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Publication 150 years of Envangelization in Taiwan. A review from personal witness(University of Saint Joseph, 2009) ;Velasco, Sergio Arilbal EdwardChristian, Matthias - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication 3D Printing Objects As Installation Art: Standing Humanity: 3D Yan Character3D printing technologies have been known for several decades and have been already used in arts, most often as accessories rather than as core material of a tangible installation art. We describe "Standing Humanity: 3D Yan Character" a collaborative and participative installation art based on 3D printing objects and we are analyzing participants' engagement and the playability of the installation. We analyze different types of interaction and conclude that 3D printing objects have a high potential to engage curiosity and open to interactions between visitors and the objects themselves. We finally suggest further investigations to explore 3D printing within the context of collaborative and interactive installation.10 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication A Biblioteca Escolar como promotora de habitos de leitura: estudo de caso no primeiro ciclo do ensino basico(University of Saint Joseph, 2013) ;Gonçalves, Rosa Maria de Fátima Dias da SilvaCorreia, Ana MariaEste estudo tem como principal objetivo perceber a importância das atividades de animação da leitura, dinamizadas pela biblioteca escolar de uma escola de matriz curricular portuguesa no estrangeiro, na promoção de hábitos de leitura dos alunos do 1o ciclo do ensino básico. Apresenta uma análise comparativa dos resultados do desempenho dos alunos da escola alvo do estudo, de Portugal e do Território de Macau, no PISA 2009, identificando as medidas políticas de intervenção realizadas com a finalidade de inverter o ciclo de desleitura. Embora abarcando a promoção de hábitos de leitura pela família, o foco de atenção é a biblioteca escolar. O presente trabalho enquadra-se no paradigma de investigação interpretativo, recorrendo a dados qualitativos e quantitativos. Procedeu-se à elaboração e aplicação de um questionário aos alunos e foram ainda recolhidos dados através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas a duas professoras. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que alunos do 1.o ciclo do ensino básico gostam de ler, têm hábitos de leitura e reconhecem a leitura como fundamental no sucesso escolar. As professoras inquiridas entendem que a leitura melhora a compreensão dos conteúdos, desenvolve a capacidade de expressão oral e escrita, enriquece o vocabulário e desenvolve a capacidade de análise e interpretação do texto escrito. A generalidade dos participantes no estudo reconhece que a biblioteca escolar desenvolve actividades de promoção da leitura relevantes e sublinha a sua importância na criação e desenvolvimento de hábitos de leitura. Revela ainda que, quando o professor bibliotecário e os docentes formam uma poderosa parceria, trabalhando em conjunto na promoção e no desenvolvimento da leitura, os projetos de dinamização da leitura conquistam leitores. This study aims at understanding the importance of reading activities developed by the school library within a portuguese school located abroad, and how these activities promote the reading habits of primary school students. The main focus of the research is the school library, however, the study also analysis the relevance of family habits in nurturing the children’s reading habits. The study compares the average academic performance between the Portuguese students in Portugal and in the currently researched school, according to the data provided by the PISA 2009, and identifies the political actions put in place at the national level to tackle the ‘non-reading’ cycle. The present work falls into the interpretative research paradigm, using qualitative and quantitative data. A questionnaire was created and given to the students and some data was also gathered through semi-structured interviews of two teachers. The results of this study show that primary school students enjoy reading, they have reading habits and they recognise reading as fundamental in school success. The surveyed teachers believe that reading improves the understanding of the content, develops both oral and written abilities, enriches vocabulary and develops the ability to analyse and interpret the written text. The majority of the participants in this study recognises that the school library develops relevant activities to promote reading and highlights its importance in creating and developing reading habits. The study also reveals that when the library and the classroom teachers established a strong collaboration and worked together to promote and develop reading, the reading projects were successful in attracting readers. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A business concept study for Macau's historic centre revitalization (The renovation of the central hotel as as example)(University of Saint Joseph, 2015) ;Cruz Vaz Pimentel, MarianaGoncalves, Marcus - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A business plan for a part-time job creation social enterprise aimed at helping the elderly(University of Saint Joseph, 2014) ;So, Hom CheungHo, Jacky - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A business plan for super baby restaurant(University of Saint Joseph, 2014) ;Chao, Pek ChuAlves, Jose - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A business valuation of Ford company(University of Saint Joseph, 2015) ;Zhang, An QiChen, Kuang ChungThe purpose of this thesis is to value and forecast the financial statements of Ford Company by using the application of three different models: the discounted cash flow model, economic profit model and adjusted present value model. The author intends to examine whether these valuation methods are suitable for valuing the company. The company was valued by collecting financial information from 2009 to 2013 in order to forecast the forward 10 years‘ financial status. The author attempted to research the various methods in evaluating the intrinsic value of Ford Company. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A case study of the English class council of form 5B (Yuet Wah College, Macau school year 1999-2000): towards a participatory and transformative approach in education(University of Saint Joseph, 2002) ;Ching, DesiderioMorrison, Keith - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Case Study on Using House-Tree-Person (HTP) Projective Drawing Technique to Identify the Personality Traits of Children with Socio-Emotional Challenges(University of Saint Joseph, 2021) ;Yee, Seong WaHwee, Chia Kok - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A case study: an analysis of the parental involvement in a Macau secondary school with primary focus on new immigrant parents from Mainland China and Macau local parents(University of Saint Joseph, 2019) ;Cheong, Ka WaiNg, Shun Wing - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A cognitive semantic study of biblical Hebrew: the root slm for completeness-balance(2021)"Semantic studies of the Biblical Hebrew verb "whole" have been influenced by those of its most invoked nominal form "whole". In this volume Andrew Chin Hei Leong shows that the concepts of balance, alliance, and completeness form the basic semantic structure of "whole". Previous studies on "whole" employed either historical or textual methodology, which has been dominant in biblical lexical studies. In addition to these methods, in Leong develops a systematic semantic methodology from Cognitive Semantics and Frame Semantics, to demonstrate that it is balance, rather than completeness, that is the most central concept in holding the semantic network together"-- - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A common foreign and security policy in Sino-European relations: crosscurents in a changing relationship(University of Saint Joseph, 2009) ;Lam, Hon KeiRochford, Dennis - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A comparative analysis of smartphone brands in Macau: Apple and Samsung(University of Saint Joseph, 2018) ;Cheong, Ka ManAlves, Jose - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Comparative Study of Sympathy in David Hume, Karuna in Buddhism, and Ren in Confucianism(University of Saint Joseph, 2021) ;Chon, Iao PangAlabanza, Ian Shelley Sasha PugalEmpathy is a capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference. It means stepping into somebody’s shoes. The meaning of sympathy in David Hume is equal to empathy in academic study. In Eastern philosophy there are two terms, which are highly similar to empathy in the Western perspective: karuna in Buddhism and ren in Confucianism. Karuna is a core emotional state in Bodhisattva to express empathy. Ren is a core concept in Confucianism. It starts with Ce yin zi xin, which is similar to empathy. The goal of his thesis is to share the common ground of these terms and find out their differences according to historical context, cognition, emotion, and action dimensions. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A comparative study on the attitudes of Macanese teachers towards inclusive education (IE) from an IE secondary school and a non-IE secondary school(University of Saint Joseph, 2019) ;Chan, Chi SengCorreia, Ana Maria - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Comprehensive Review of Investor Sentiment Analysis in Stock Price Forecasting(2021) ;Ma, Huawen ;Ma, Jixin ;Wang, Han ;Li, PengshengSentiment analysis technologies have a strong impact on financial markets. In recent years there has been increasing interest in analyzing the sentiment of investors. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the current state of the art and synthesize the published literature related to the financial sentiment analysis, especially in investor sentiment for prediction of stock price. Starting from this overview the paper provides answers to the questions about how and to what extent research on investor sentiment analysis and stock price trend forecasting in the financial markets has developed and which tools are used for these purposes remains largely unexplored. This paper represents the comprehensive literature-based study on the fields of the investors sentiment analytics and machine learning applied to analyzing the sentiment of investors and its influencing stock market and predicting stock price. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Conceptual Model of Behavioral Factors Affecting the Adoption of E-government Services in Macao SAR(University of Saint Joseph, 2022) ;Iong, Kit YengLao-Phillips, Jenny OliverosInformation and communication technologies (ICTs) are highly associated with the study of e-government, and many scholars believe that within the coming decades, government operation and policy decision-making cannot persist without the use of ICTs (Van Dijk, 2018). This thesis aims to generate a conceptual framework of the behavioral factors that could contribute to the acceleration of the implementation of e-government services in Macao SAR. Rather than regarding e-government services as a goal to be realized in traditional practice through evaluating the outcome, a process-oriented study was conducted. The e-government services are regarded as advanced tools in the 21st century to transform Macao into a smart city. The design of the process-oriented approach and the comparative study of four groups of Macao citizens' behavioral intentions are solidly supported by the research gaps identified in the literature review of e-government studies in an international perspective and the actual context of local Macao studies. Under the framework of the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1985, 1991), the behavioral factors of the general public and civil servants are investigated through a qualitative approach, and the findings are triangulated from various aspects. Firstly, a systematic literature review of TPB was conducted thoroughly to better understand the current study of e-government around the world. Secondly, a content and thematic analysis of the official documents and articles from local press media and research institutes related to the topic of e-government services was carried out to demonstrate a more comprehensive picture of the current problems of implementing iv and adopting e-services in Macao SAR. Observations in some government premises that provided e-services and 40 in-depth interviews were conducted to generate detailed and first-hand data. Key issues were extracted from the interviewees‘ narratives and daily actual usages. Different conceptual models for different age groups and civil servant group were formed. Special attention was paid to analyzing the "hard-to-reach" groups' behavioral intentions. Research limitations identified from the previous literature were overcome partially in this study too. After comparing the similarities and differences, a new conceptual model of significant behavioral factors that affect the behavioral intentions in adopting e-government services was built. Results and findings from the analysis could be used to develop effective interventions by the government policymakers in responding to the behavioral change of the general public in the aspect of e-government services acceptance and adoption