Alabanza, Ian Shelley Sasha PugalChiang, I. ManI. ManChiang2024-03-252024-03-25202220222022 Taste Aesthetics, the realm of experience, the realm of beauty, is where palate sensory enjoyment and indulgence emerge. Taste aesthetics is about the experience that arises through our sense of taste, where a person experiences delicious food that gives them satisfaction and joy. Is sensory enjoyment a purely subjective matter when “tastiness” varies from person to person? Through the framework of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception, the process of how consciousness alters the experience of tasting is examined. When an individual has the ability to enhance their gustatory satisfaction, it will be beneficial for their lives and for having a wellbeing of living standards. The diner’s consciousness process can enhance aesthetic satisfaction, which may in turn elevate the chef’s cooking progress. Like Gadamer has said, Art is a game where both parties valuate each other. The Chef, in spite of being a good cook with fresh ingredients, has a crucial component that will result in the intuitive aesthetic satisfaction of the audience.enUniversity of Saint JosephThesis and Dissertations Master of Philosophy (MPH)Gustatory AestheticsFramework of Phenomenology of PerceptionPalate Consciousness: A Philosophical Analysis on the Cultivation of Gustatory Aesthetics Through the Framework of Phenomenology of PerceptionMaster Thesis