2024-04-162024-04-16https://dspace.usj.edu.mo/handle/123456789/5691GERALD ESTADIEU is currently an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) - Macao, teaching in the Department of Architecture & Design. With a Master's Degree in Signal and Image Processing from the Université d’Orléans (France) and a PhD in Science and Technology of the Arts from the Catholic University of Portugal (School of Arts, Porto), his research and artistic activities focus on the fields of Interactivity, Hacking and Digital Fabrication. He created the fab lab at the University of Saint Joseph and co-founded the first fab lab in Macau. He is also a member of several international collaborative experiments, such as Museomix and Hackmychurch and developed artistic projects in local and international exhibitions integrating interactive technology and digital fabrication. His work has been exhibited in Macau, Portugal, Vietnam and Korea. He is currently leading a funded research project on Artificial Intelligence and Soundscape.Estadieu, Gerald