Gutierrez-Adrianzen, O. A.O. A.Gutierrez-AdrianzenMoraes, M. E. A.M. E. A.MoraesAlmeida, A. P.A. P.AlmeidaLima, J. W. O.J. W. O.LimaMarinho, M. F.M. F.MarinhoLobo Marques, Joao AlexandreJoao AlexandreLobo MarquesMadeiro, Joao P. V.Joao P. V.MadeiroNepomuceno, L.L.Nepomucenoda Silva Jr, J. M. S.J. M. S.da Silva JrSilva Jr, G. B.G. B.Silva JrDaher, E. F.E. F.DaherRodrigues Sobrinho, C. R. M.C. R. M.Rodrigues Sobrinho2024-04-022024-04-0220151476-5527 pathophysiological mechanisms of arterial hypertension during hemodialysis (HD) in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are still poorly understood. The aim of this study is to investigate physiological, cardiovascular and neuroendocrine changes in patients with ESRD and its correlation with changes in blood pressure (BP) during the HD session. The present study included 21 patients with ESRD undergoing chronic HD treatment. Group A (study) consisted of patients who had BP increase and group B (control) consisted of those who had BP reduction during HD session. Echocardiograms were performed during the HD session to evaluate cardiac output (CO) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR). Before and after the HD session, blood samples were collected to measure brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), catecholamines, endothelin-1 (ET-1), nitric oxide (NO), electrolytes, hematocrit, albumin and nitrogen substances. The mean age of the studied patients was 43�4.9 years, and 54.6% were males. SVR significantly increased in group A (P<0.001). There were no differences in the values of BNP, NO, adrenalin, dopamin and noradrenalin, before and after dialysis, between the two groups. The mean value of ET-1, post HD, was 25.9_pg_ml_1 in group A and 13.3_pg_ml_1 in group B (P=<0.001). Patients with ESRD showed different hemodynamic patterns during the HD session, with significant BP increase in group A, caused by an increase in SVR possibly due to endothelial dysfunction, evidenced by an increase in serum ET-1 levels.en2015 Macmillan Publishers LimitedHypertensionEnd-stage renal diseaseHaemodialysisPathophysiological, cardiovascular and neuroendocrine changes in hypertensive patients during the hemodialysis sessionJournal Article