Morais, IsabelLei, Mei KeiMei KeiLei2024-03-252024-03-25201420142014 one of the residents who has lived in Camões community in Macao for more than two decades, after witnessing the changes and developments of other parts of the city, hearing some voices about revitalizing or beautifying my living community, I think that I have the responsibility to give my contribution for the sustainable development of this place. At present, in Macao, in general, public opinions, especially from the residents have always been neglected or discarded by the city authorities and planners. The latter tends to develop their projects according to their professional knowledge and government policies. They did not pay much attention to the needs of local people. As Chung (2009) noticed: “[…] the planning and conservation decision-making process, save limited consultations restricted to trade-related organizations and certain professional bodies.” (Chung, 2009:18) In fact, until recently, the so-called public consultative process in the Macao Special Administrative Region (S.A.R.) has not arguably been ideal as an administrative procedure. Yet, as a French urban-planner, Sachs-Jeantet (1996) stated: “The city of the future must be built not by specialists alone but with and by the people themselves. In the twentyfirst century, the city must be the place where social transformations are invented and managed. The challenge is to humanize cities so that the urban quality they promote and create, is citizenship and an interbreeding of cultures thereby making the city more ‘civic’.” (Sachs-Jeantet, 1996: “Humanizing the City”) Therefore, the aim of my dissertation will be to present a proposal for the revitalization plan for the Camões Area and its surrounding community which will emphasize public interests. My objective will be to consult local residents, shop owners and tourists through in-depth observation and interviews, matching up the actual situation of the studied area and the development policy of the city; then come up with a conceptual revitalization plan. In recent years, other city districts developed rapidly, such as the so-called Macao’s Outer Harbour Reclaimed Area (ZAPE or NAPE), Areia Preta district, Taipa and Cotai districts. Many local residents are attracted to move in those new developed districts because of new and modern living conditions. Such movement has already affected the old community and the traditional residential areas leading to the lack of vitality of the old community. Hence, we will firstly investigate the environment of Patane and São Paulo districts, and then will go deep into the cultural, industrial, environmental, historic and conservation aspects of the core studied area designated hereafter as Camões Area (including Camões Square, Camões Garden, Casa Garden and Protestant Cemetery) and its surrounding community in order to discover potential resources of the area and make good use of them. The aim of this research is to enhance local living, cultural and economic conditions in order to achieve sustainable development. Besides, it is also expected to encourage local people’s sense of belonging and civic conscience at times of profound changes in the society.enUniversity of Saint JosephThesis and Dissertations Master of History & Heritage Studies (MHHS)Revitalization Historic district Sustainable development Camões AreaCamões SquareA proposal for a revitalization plan for camoes area in Macao and its surrounding community through a humanistic approachMaster Thesis