Pinheiro, Francisco VizeuWong, Cheng ManCheng ManWong2024-03-252024-03-25201520152015 the handover of Macao from Portuguese to Chinese Administration on 20th December1999, the call for diversification from the decades old dominant casino industry has being intensified as a way to clean the negative image of the city, link with gambling, organized crimes, prostitution etc. The first intent of modernization of the casino and tourism industries was in the early 1960’s with the change of monopoly from Tai Heng Company1 to Sociedade de Turismo e Diversões de Macau (STDM). In the 1980’s, PATA, (Pacific Asia Travel Association) concerned with the impact of visitors in cities, was promoting tourism as contributor for Culture and Heritage2. For this reason, Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) in 1994 was committed to consult the opinion of PATA to re-build the image of Macao to attract worldwide tourism. PATA recommended the Macao Government to focus on developing a positive image of Leisure City of culture focus on Heritage3. Only after the return of Macau to Chinese administration in 1999, it was possible for the State Department (Central Government) to promote the historical center of the city and to have it included in the World Heritage list of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). It is only after 1999 that the Macao Government realized the tourism competing challenges with Zhuhai, Hong Kong and other cities in the PRC and South East Asia. The Cultural Institute (CI) of Macao (Government) prepared the documentation to be submitted to UNESCO, entitled the “Historical Monuments of Macao” that consisted of twelve monuments, mostly churches, temples and fortresses. However after several consultation with ICOMOS and other expert’s parties, a larger area named the “Historic Centre of Macao” was defined. The area included 22 individual buildings and 7 squares. In 2005, the applications to UNESCO World Heritage succeed. Macao’s urban image was changed from that time on. Macao is a highly urbanized and densely populated city with an important UNESCO Classified Historic Centre that attracts an increasing number of tourists, reaching more than 30 million in 2014. In the People’s Republic of China five year plan, Macao should play a cooperative and integrating function in the Pearl River4 Delta region (CDDBSTPW, 2009: 5). Macao is destined to be a world class city with a specific role that is to be “An International Center for Leisure and Entertainment”. For achieving this purpose, to be “An International Center for Leisure and Entertainment”, and in order to answer properly to the need for information on Macao historic sites from the increasing number of visitors, it was necessary to define a strategy to facilitating the “Interpretation” of the Macao Historic Centre. The “interpretation” strategy should address the best way to communicate the historical value and cultural significance of the heritage site or facility in an attractive and engaging way. The concept of interpretation of historical sites evolved through time. Tilden, Freeman (1957) elaborated six principles that identify interpretation of historical sites as an art and a science. For Freeman, a successful interpretation depends on the skills and knowledge of the interpreter to provoke a way to engage the audience. For many, Tilden is considered the father of interpretation of historical sites. Ham, Sam (1992) and Beck & Cable’s (1998) works contributed to a deeper professionalization of the interpretation of historical sites. Ham defines four qualities for environmental interpretation, relating interpretation with pleasant and relevant activities that is organized around a theme. Beck and Cable’s fifteen principles link the site or object “story” that should be told in such a way that it will connect with the lives of the people in the audience, revealing the deeper meaning and truth in an exciting way that will bring the past alive. This “bringing alive” effect can be achieved not only by the passion of the interpreter but also with the support of technology. The definition of cultural sites interpretation was perfected and crystallized in the 2008 International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Ename Charter5. The charter was dedicated to improve interpretation of cultural heritage sites, elaborating seven principles related with physical access and understanding, information based in scientific data, social and cultural contextualization, authenticity, sustainability, community inclusiveness and research, evaluation and training. The above mentioned literature defined the importance and the characteristic of cultural heritage interpretation that is very different from other communication practices and techniques. The forms of heritage interpretation can be varied and may include physical tools, electronic products and intense or moderate use of human resources. The main purpose of the heritage interpretation is to enrich local people and foreign tourists’ understanding of the heritage and culture of a city. A successful heritage interpretation planning can also rise up people’s awareness and sense of heritage preservation and conservation. Therefore, education in culture and heritage and the proper interpretation strategy plays an important role in Macao Tourism Industry and should be emphasized the need for improvement. Therefore, this study argues that the interpretation system is an essential part of Heritage education and management that would have positive effects on tourists’ satisfaction when visiting Macao Historic Centre. Macao S.A.R. government is promoting the interest of foreign tourists to visit the UNESCO Classified Historic Centre. However, because of the ownership and management of the different heritage sites belong to different institutions each of them apply their own policy for promoting and interpreting. This lack of coordination situation contributes for disparate tourist policies in each site and may create some confusion in the visitors’ experience. Finally, this lack of coordination and integration runs again the main concept of UNESCO for promoting the integrity of the "Historical Center of Macau" as an urban unit of outstanding universal value where sites and facilities are link and not only a collection of different and isolated monuments. This will help understand the full picture of the Historical Center story. The current study will focus on how to optimize the heritage interpretation system in Macao by conducting a survey on investigate the heritage buildings’ ownership, and their stakeholders’ opinion which include Macao residents, local cultural associations. Base on visitor arrival statistics from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC), Mainland Chinese representing the large majority of tourists visiting Macao.enUniversity of Saint JosephThesis and Dissertations Master of History & Heritage Studies (MHHS)Heritage Interpretation SystemMacao S.A.R.A study on optimizing the heritage interpretation system in Macao S.A.RMaster Thesis