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Publication An Exploration of Professional Identity and Teaching Practices among Kindergarten Teachers in Macao(2024)Ho, Lam LamThis study employs a qualitative research approach to explore the perspectives of teachers in private kindergartens in Macao (hereafter referred to as early childhood teachers) regarding their professional identity. The research aims to understand how professional identity impacts the participants’ teaching practices and identify any factors influencing early childhood teachers' sense of professional identity. The study involved semi-structured, in-depth interviews with nine practising early childhood teachers, collecting relevant data, and conducting a thorough analysis and discussion of the research questions, leading to the formulation of the study's findings. The findings reveal the following: 1. Early childhood teachers have a clear understanding of professional identity and recognise the significance of their role in constructing this identity, which, in turn, motivates them to pursue professional growth actively. 2. Professional identity impacts perception of teaching practices, influencing teachers' sense of efficacy, competence, job satisfaction, and burnout. A strong sense of professional identity enhances teachers' efficacy, competence, and job satisfaction while reducing the likelihood of burnout. 3. Early childhood teachers believe that external factors such as social status, remuneration and benefits, classroom environment, educational policies, and individual factors like personality traits, years of teaching experience, and academic background all affect their professional identity. Based on these findings, the researcher offers recommendations for government, schools, and early childhood teachers. This thesis also outlines future research directions to support further studies on the professional identity of early childhood teachers in Macao. 本研究以質性研究方法探討澳門私立幼稚園教師(下稱幼兒教師)對職業認同感的看法,旨在瞭解職業認同感對他們教學的影響,並分析影響幼兒教師職業認同感的各種因素。本研究透過對九位在職幼兒教師進行半結構式深度訪談,蒐集相關資料,對研究問題進行深入分析與討論,最終整理並撰寫研究結果。研究結果顯示: (一)幼兒教師對職業認同感有明確的理解,並在構建職業認同感的過程中, 體會到幼兒教師這一職業的意義,進而積極追求專業成長。 (二)職業認同感對幼兒教師的教學實踐感知產生了教學效能感、勝任感、職業幸福感和職業倦怠感等影響。良好的職業認同感有助於提升教師的效能感、勝任感與職業幸福感,同時減少職業倦怠的發生。 (三)幼兒教師認為,社會地位、薪酬福利待遇、教學環境與教育政策等外在 因素,以及教師的性格特質、教齡、學歷專業背景等個人內在因素,均會影響其職業認同感。 基於上述研究結果,研究者對政府、學校及幼兒教師提出了相關建議。本文亦包括未來研究方向,以支持後續對澳門幼兒教師職業認同感的研究。