Date Issued
Chan, Si Wui
This mixed-methods case study aimed to explore student learning difficulties, teacher-student interactions and learning motivations at a secondary school in Macau. The study employed a convergent parallel design approach by, gathering, organizing both quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously. A survey approach was adopted for the quantitative research phase of the study which involved the survey of 125 secondary school students as samples. Returned survey data was subsequently analysed using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient methods. To better understand the relationship between each data variable, a series of semi-structured interviews were also used to explore deeper perspectives of both 6 teachers and 7 students underpinned by several key theories, Maslows hierarchy of
needs, Bowlby�s attachment theory and Bandura�s social learning approaches to motivation, for analysis and interpretation.
The major findings of this study are as follows:
1. Students with learning difficulties faced various types of challenges such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and comprehension through the learning process;
2. The senior high school students had stronger learning motivations when compared to junior secondary students;
3. There was a significant difference correlation in respect of teacher-student relationships and learning motivations;
4. The interview data indicated that negative teacher-student relationships increased the risk of continuing student learning difficulties;
5. The interview data suggested a positive correlation between teacher-student relationships and student literacy performance; and
6. The study discovered a positive correlation between teacher-student relationships and learning motivations.
Based on these research findings, the study proposes recommendations for consideration of changes to education institutional policy and educational practices.
Future research directions are also included in this thesis to support students with learning difficulties in Macau.
needs, Bowlby�s attachment theory and Bandura�s social learning approaches to motivation, for analysis and interpretation.
The major findings of this study are as follows:
1. Students with learning difficulties faced various types of challenges such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and comprehension through the learning process;
2. The senior high school students had stronger learning motivations when compared to junior secondary students;
3. There was a significant difference correlation in respect of teacher-student relationships and learning motivations;
4. The interview data indicated that negative teacher-student relationships increased the risk of continuing student learning difficulties;
5. The interview data suggested a positive correlation between teacher-student relationships and student literacy performance; and
6. The study discovered a positive correlation between teacher-student relationships and learning motivations.
Based on these research findings, the study proposes recommendations for consideration of changes to education institutional policy and educational practices.
Future research directions are also included in this thesis to support students with learning difficulties in Macau.